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Consolidating production processes with automation

Moving toward automating production facilities that have a few or more lines can be an overwhelming prospect. Each line may need upgrades. Judging which should receive more of the budget is a task that may not have a clear-cut solution. When the daily needs of the facility also require large amounts of attention, starting from a top-down approach may not be the highest priority project.

It’s been our experience that multi-line production systems many times share commonalities that could be integrated. Once combined with a clever application of automation and planning, these operations create more efficiency and throughput. The combined operations tend to cost less to build than automating the same operation in each line and can be rolled out in segments, spreading costs over time.

We’ve put together a whitepaper that talks through the more common ways a facility could combine operations with automation to bring out more performance without the duplicity of efforts automating similar processes on a number of lines.

Contact us today to learn how consolidating your operations can yield tangible benefits.

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