When most think of robotic welding, it’s either complex operations, as found in the automotive industry or simple, off-the-shelf weld cells that have more basic capabilities. It’s easy to think that automating the welding of assemblies might be beyond what most firms can handle. This is far from the whole story.
Welding together complex assemblies of numerous components can be done with automation – and without massive investments in systems and workforce to make it go. Many times, with proper weld fixtures, even loading and unloading the process doesn’t require a trained welder.
We’ve put together a quick outline of a recent project that fits this middle ground description of welding automation. The system was designed to robotically weld together a larger assembly of components with minimal operator input. This robotic weld cell was created for below what many would estimate a custom robotic weld cell with its capability would cost. Read more about the system on our website.
If you’re considering the move to automating your weld processes, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can help navigate through the automation process!